Friday, September 25, 2009

Because it makes me happy..

This is posted everywhere, but I love it to pieces. I love this baby dance video. It reminds me of the dance moves my kids used to put on. This is the full version, really the first minute or so is the best. Ah, diaper butts!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Manners are Important-They Show Who You Are

The behavior of the Republicans in Congress was reprehensible last night. Twittering, texting, and then Joe Wilson, the congressperson from South Carolina, shouting "You Lie!" at the President. They did a "silent protest" holding up about 10 pieces of paper saying, "What bill?"

The thing is--these are grown men, who are somehow thinking that acting like petulant middle schoolers is going to make them look mega-cool to their constituents.

I hope that we can all school them on the fact that----MANNERS MATTER. In a civil society, if you don't have manners and use them, no one can take you seriously.

Being so boldly rude and openly contemptuous to the President of the United States during his address is taken as a poor reflection on you, GOP, and no one else. Most citizens do not take kindly to your blatant disrespect to the office of President.

The people of South Carolina already have to deal with "It's all about ME and my penis" Sanford as governor, and now they have to enjoy being associated with a guy who goes to congress to audition for the Jerry Springer show. Even in South Carolina, there are people who take being civil seriously, and will question strongly his fitness for the office. I also hope the military goes after him, since his behavior as an officer in the National Guard makes contemptuous behavior to a superior a punishable offense.

I will hope that the congresspeople who were Twittering and texting will also be getting an earful from their constituents. We have to let these regressed adolescents know what is not acceptable behavior.