The President asked us to contact our congresspeople to make sure they know what we are thinking tonight, and it seems that their emails are either all overwhelmed or they really don't want to hear from anyone and just follow their own agendas.
In the mean time, I thought I would voice my views on the whole debt ceiling/budget debacle. I have the misfortune of having a teabagger named Joe Walsh, who won by literally tens of votes as my "representative." The man is an embarrassment. Mark Kirk is my senator, he is a republican but not a crazy one.
Dear Congresspeople:
This is not a time for party above country, Republicans and tea baggers, I am looking at you...and rolling my eyes. It is so sad to watch you, because you think you are being so tough, but really, you are unbelievable, selfish, and serving no one other than yourselves and your corporate benefactors. And you are so incredibly OBVIOUS about it.
Of course we need to cut spending. But even if you are going to tell the lowest denominator in corn pone talk that "ya cain't spend more than ya gots" you are omitting the obvious answer to the question of how to get yourself out of debt the fastest. How? "Ya cain't spend more than what ya gots" AND "Get a source of more revenoo!" Fer instance, why not hit up rich Uncle Jethro for a raise from the 50 cents/wk he's been paying you to mow his estate? Or, in other words, get rid of the loopholes for wealthy people and corporations, and rescind the Bush freaking tax cuts which have been the worst part of our debt spiral. Well, that and Bush's two wars he lied us into. (Republicans were in charge for that one too, yes? You give me no confidence modern day republicans are for the betterment of this country with a record like that.) And you continue to f-ck up the debt talks to score penis points with each other. Shameful.
The Bush tax cuts were STUPID. I remember getting the first check and thinking, "This is it?" But to the rich, it was a whole lot more, but they all did with it what I did with mine--put it in the bank and forgot about it. No new jobs created then or now. In fact, a lot of jobs ran right out of the country, thanks to all those "job providin'" corporations shipping their jobs overseas with no penalty. It will not make a difference to the upper 1% in their lifestyles, so freaking quit treating them as so precious and delicate and tax them that miniscule amount (to them) that they won't even miss. How about some tax incentives for them to get the money back ONLY if they actually provide proof of job creation in THIS country?
I think it is important to remember that there are far fewer rich people than not rich people. And if you pander to them and forget the rest, you will be able to really hear from the American People, not the Fox News "Amuurrrican paeyple" and you will really see an uprising.