Monday, December 19, 2011

Ever spend the night yelling at people in your mind instead of sleeping?

That's how I spent the night last night. Yelling at some deadbeats I know. Telling them off. Expressing my disappointment in them in ways that would scald their psyches if they knew how I really felt.

I am so tired. But, I am through with being angry and I didn't hurt anyone, and I am reasonable now.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I can sit again! Hello blog!

One thing I discovered in the past few months is how hard it is to blog when you are having trouble sitting comfortably.

Yes, I re-injured my lower back again, with an awesome shot of sciatica. Fortunately, I have a nice chiropractic office that is setting me right again, slowly but surely.

It started again when I started my new job in July. It's at a small company that is expanding, and there was a shortage of decent chairs left. Bad office chairs where what set it off last time, and this time, once again I was in great pain in no time with all the bad ergonomics.

I was able to fashion a workable solution with the cube I am in, and soon we are all getting new chairs, and having test-driven one, they meet my approval.

I am glad, the new job is good and I like my work and my co-workers.

Today was the first day I was able to get back to the YMCA and work out in about 3 weeks. It felt great. I can't run yet, but I will, oh, I will.

In other random thoughts;

I am very interested in a watching-the-car-wreck fashion in the Republican debates and all the subsequent implosions. I find it unreal that Newt Gingrich is currently the best hard right winger they can get right now. Perhaps there really isn't such thing as a good hard right winger--it takes a level of douche-bagginess few can stay the course on. That man has always been a douchbag's douchebag. Newt spewed today on the news shows that he would be glad to arrest judges that seem too "elite" or "activist" (read, liberal.) Hey Newty, I think North Korea just got a new opening for a dictator, perhaps you should give it a look-see. And stop pretending you believe in the Constitution.

I am similarly not understanding the tactic the House Republicans are using with the constant threat of shut downs because they are apparently just plain ornery and don't want to give in to an extension of a payroll tax cut for the middle class because isn't cruel enough to the poor and defenseless, doesn't ruin the environment enough, and doesn't make millionaires richer.

Keep up these tactics, good ol'boys, and not even the sleaziest tea bagger will support you.