Christmas is a time for family.
If you aren't particularly religious or materialistic, like us, it's what it's mostly all about. That, and all the food you normally don't eat. And having time to catch a few movies.
We have traveled back to Ohio every Christmas every year for the family. Some years have been ridiculously snowy, and many years have been clear and unremarkable. Some years, a lot our peers from high school and college are back visiting their families, and we have a reunion. We have our favorite places to hit up in Columbus, and we never make it through the whole list in one trip. So, we come back.
The tradition of traveling there has gone on for a long time, probably past its usefulness. Family is important, but sometimes they aren't a lot of fun.
The absence of my Mom still weights very heavily in my heart. My Dad and my niece and nephew are always a joy, but other members are like black holes fighting for matter and everyone's energy.
My mom used to help to create some balance in the family, but now she is gone, and the dynamic has changed. The black holes take all they can get and offer nothing in return.
I resolve that next Christmas will be in a different place, and a new tradition will begin, sans anyone insisting on acting like a black hole.
New Years traditions also continued, and brought joy and contentment. We had our nuclear family gift exchange, the feast of favorite snacks, and board games were played. We always stay home, and it's a pleasant and low-key family time.