Sunday, September 23, 2012

Romneyshambles and the Evil Robot Ryan

Question: How many more "darkest hours" can Mitt Romney's campaign have?  The campaign is incompetent, they have a daily campaign reset/career-ending gaffe du jour,  the candidate is a cartoon of an evil, arrogant boob of a rich guy, and the vice presidential candidate is an Ayn Rand acolyte that can't stop lying even if it's about his body fat. As an added creepy bonus for me, Paul Ryan's empty eyes remind me of the evil robot on Queen's "News of the World" album that freaked me out as a child:

So even if he talked sense at all, I still wouldn't be able to bring myself to vote for him.  However, he keeps spouting about his Plan for Prosperity that amounts to "Fuck you, you're on you're own.  Rich people get more money." Today he was lying about what he would do on day one of the Romney presidency--getting rid of the contraception mandate.  Which is amazing, because vice presidents do not have that sort of authority.  They can only bang the gavel to start sessions of congress, and occasionally break a tie.  Oh, yes, Fox News, this is a 'really serious young man.'  Because we are dumber than shit and we totally are afraid of the scary black man. 

The thing is, they have looked so bad, I almost feel sorry for them.  Fortunately, there is no such thing as a pity vote from me when it comes to the office of President.