Monday, March 17, 2008

Resolution Check Up

I started this blog as an exercise and as part of a resolution to write more this year. My goal was to have at least one essay a week, preferably one that required some thought and something more than just blatherings about my day.

I am behind on the number, and I also find that I do not always have the time to do the sort of essay I really want to produce all the time--one that at least inspires thought in others. I have had mixed success with this. I have decided that this is okay. It has to be, or else I will start to intimidate myself into not writing, because it is not important enough. I don't live a life that is outstandingly important to anyone but my friends and family, but with development (aka actually writing) I think I can do better than I have been.

I think I will change my resolution, because it may be that volume is more likely to do something more to spark creativity than sitting around and thinking. From now on, I will try to write every day, and if it is essay material and good, great! If it isn't, oh well. Don't feel like you have to read it.

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