Friday, June 5, 2009

Ohhhh, drama

Well, I seem to have blown my resolution to blog twice a week all to hell lately.

What I have found is that something had to go, and this was not really on anyone's compass besides my own as a must-do. Once things calm down, I should be able to go full speed ahead again.

Starting back to work full time and deciding (wrongly) that doing a new play in a new play festival with only 4 performances would be less time intensive than a full run (not in rehearsal!) while still being somewhat present for my family is just a lot to do. Blogs forgive. I barely have any readers. They probably will forgive too. (Thanks Mom and Dad.)

For information on the Alcyone New Play Festival check it out at
I am in "Bounty of Lace," which at the moment I cannot be sure if it is recommendable--we will see after this rehearsal.

Today I left work early because I was just too tired to be able to keep going from work to a six hour rehearsal. I would have ruined rehearsal because the first thing to go is my memory--and my character talks and talks and talks. Friday afternoons are usually a bust anyway at regular work. I am still hourly until the end of the month, so I think actually I am saving my employer money. I had a little rest that was sort of like sleeping, and I feel a bit more refreshed and less like a danger to the public when I get back behind the wheel.

So, my few readers, I will be back once I have some more time. I am sure you are waiting with bated breath.

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