After spending most of this year at a steady, pleasant, but rather dull job, I have been let go; the project I was on was coming to an end, and I had already decided that this was not the company I felt was going to lead me on a fulfilling career path. The little company is struggling, and I basically presented myself to be the first to be let go. Because my spouse is gainfully employed, and I still have a couple of part time gigs, this won't impact us much.
I am aware of how blessed I am. I feel very fortunate.
Since this has happened, I have had a burst of creative output that has been sitting fallow in my mind for months. Writing sketches and one acts, composing songs, and making artwork. I just didn't have time to do it while working, raising a family, etc.
Funny how this new underemployment didn't doing anything for my housework or workout schedule, and so far, not for my blogging...
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