Thursday, May 20, 2010

Put some compassionate motivation into BP, Halliburton and Ilk

The news from the Gulf just gets worse and worse. For some reason, BP is in charge of who gets to look at just how bad it is. They shouldn't have any rights in this way, but I guess that is how it goes when big corporations practically own part of the government. BP, Haliburton,TransOcean et al don't even have the grace to look like they really even care in their press conferences, as they lie blithely about what kind of environmental degradation they have imposed upon the Gulf, and now it looks like Florida, and likely all the way out to the Atlantic.

If they get to keep their cap of $75 million in damages, I think there will be one hell of a citizen backlash. If the government allows that to be the case, it will be a definite that our government no longer for the people, but for the corporations and for corporations only.

Or maybe if we can't get around the cap, we should make it legal to go karmic!

Since none of these corporate entities are really interested in accepting responsibility for the mess (see all the ridiculous fingerpointing for which Obama rightly called them out), I think that we should actually give them a little more immediacy to their predicament. I mean, if we can't make them pay the money to really fix things, let's give them some extremely bad karma.

As people clean up from this major catastrophe, collect all the dead, oil-covered animals that they find, and ship them unrefrigerated to the corporate offices and employees' homes of each of the companies responsible. Don't stop until the leak is stopped and they not only admit, but are properly horrified how much harm they have done with their negligence. Don't stop until they seriously make an effort to clean up their mess using their formidable reserves of corporate cash.

They may not give a rat's ass about the suffering of animals and people who are far away, but I imagine even the most narcissistic bastard may start to feel some "compassionate motivation" beyond corporate bottom line if they have a few thousand oily dead fish and birds in every corner of their buildings and homes.

I would also like to make it a rule that until the end of time, any press conference,interview or public appearance of any of the above's corporate leaders should end with all of them getting slapped across the face with an oily dead fish and dropped in a vat of sludge.

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