Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Random Thoughts

I am working on my first actual essay in a long while, but in the mean time, while it's cooking I thought I would jot out some of the dross that is cluttering my brain

To the friend who does not know how to come back after a grievous mistake,  just come back.  Be present.  We know who you are.  And we know what's influencing you.  Stop avoiding us.  We'll tell you you're stupid, which you know already, and then we will be happy you're back in our lives.  The end.

Finding the excellent job really is all about who you know.  I need to get to know a lot more people.

Computers eat life.

The more the religious right asserts itself as a political concern, the more I viscerally hate religion.  I don't self identify as christian anymore.   God is still cool, but those people on the religious right don't seem to know Him, and too many of them preach in churches. 

To the GOP, I look at your budget proposals and think--are you effing kidding. Really.  You may be all about serving the corporate masters that pay for your campaigns, but remember, it's still us "little people" that vote.  The real drivers of the economy are NOT the upper 2%, but the rest of us who buy and sell and work in this nation.  If we are not thriving, the country cannot thrive economically, or in any other way.   Also, putting the deficit reduction on the backs of the elderly and disabled and the poor while giving free money to rich people who don't need it really makes you as a group look like a bunch of self-serving, rich entitled assholes.  Oh wait.  Gosh!  Almost all y'all in Congress are!  And here is a lovely article that explains why you are such shitheads to the lower quadrants and does it all so much better than I can right now.

Everything going on in the middle east, the continuing genocides in African nations like Sudan,  the never ending wars that we never should have let ourselves be LIED into, the ozone depleting 40% over the poles this winter, Japan's many crises, and the stagnation of so many things that we know really need to change, like finding energy sources that won't kill off the planet as we know it...it gets so depressing.  It gets so large.  I don't think most people can put their heads around it.  It's all so frightening and complex.  No wonder people get so easily distracted by Charlie Sheen acting like he's imploding for the masses, or Jersey Shore.  It's stupid, but it's simple.  It's also incredibly sad that so many people latch on to crap like this like it matters while the world is threatening to disintegrate around us.

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