September always feels ripe in possibilities, October is when to start putting the new plans in motion. New Year's resolutions have nothing on the beginning of the school year for determination, no matter how old you are.
When I was a teen, the beginning of the school year was a chance to try being whole different person, a better person, a different person than I was the year before. It was like hitting "reset." Some year's personalities were better than others. I learned to love fresh starts in the fall.
Once again I am hitting another reset, and moving from one role toward another. I am no longer an at-home mom with an unusual set of side businesses, but moving toward exploring possibilities of making a difference for a small company. It's exciting.
Outside, my garden looks like hell, but it's still producing. It has been a casualty of my new schedule. The trees are about to hit their best colors, and the weather report is predicting a full week of fall perfection.
I am as excited as a school kid, because change can be so cool.
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