First off, I have been working on a project for the Department of Natural Resources and the National Park Service regarding the Ice Age Trail in Wisconsin. It's a 1200 mile long trail that shows off several geologic formations created where the glaciers were thousands of years ago. I filmed a couple of weeks ago the first half of the journey, and we are doing the second half all next week. It has been an excellent experience so far, and I have really enjoyed seeing Wisconsin's excellent park system, and all of its natural beauty. I am also working with just about the nicest group of crew and fellow actors that one could hope for. I look forward to this coming week!
Auditions worth doing theatre-wise are also starting to pop up again in better numbers, which is great, because for a long time there was a drought of decent material in my age group and gender. I had a great audition last week where I got a really excellent response to my audition, but I haven't heard back yet. It happens. What is meant to be is meant to be. At least it was memorable.
The back was giving me terrible troubles in February and March, but, knock on wood, it seems to be truly on the mend again. Sciatica sucks, and it also drains you if interest in life. During this bout of back issues, I discovered that if I take ibuprofen for too long, my hair starts falling out. That was interesting.
On a sad note, I was put "on hiatus" at my day job a few days ago. I am still just a contractor, and as such, I am the easiest to let go when things look bad, and easiest to call back when needed. And things are looking bad--really bad. They hope to call me back when things pick up again, but right now, I don't think I will be back in a few months like they hope.
You would think this would bum me out, but I am actually excited about it--looking for a new job sucks, but I have some great new leads already. In the mean time, I have house and writing projects that really need some management. And the boys are out of school soon, and I would like to spend some quality time with them. This lemon is going to make some excellent lemonade.
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