Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Since when do we all think like our pastors?

I am fed up with all the attention on Barack Obama's old pastor. The guy has his opinions, he has his agenda, and he is really loving all the attention to the point of self-parody. He's becoming the media's new Britney Spears/Paris Hilton! Forget focusing attention on the real problems facing black America, it's all about him. I expect next he's going to adopt a miniature dog and dress it in a matching dashiki! That's hot!

The media is trying so hard to make him an issue, or a strike against Obama, but it doesn't work. Why? Because WE have pastors, and we don't think in lockstep with them all the time either. Even if we have men in our lives who have sometimes functioned as father figures, most of the public is sensible enough to understand that none of us think exactly like our parental figures either. In fact, parents and parental figures can be completely and embarrassingly different in ethics, beliefs and ideals. It doesn't change who we are and what we believe just because we love them.

So, media, please, leave off reporting on this flamboyant and embarrassing man, and stick to the real issues for once that are facing this country. I flip away from your channels when stupidity and non-news is being reported, and my channel changing button is getting worn out.

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