Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Kids are Entertaining

"Mom, I have to talk to you," said my youngest, a worried look on his face.
"What is it?' I ask.
"Mom, there are little hairs in my sink."
My husband had shaved in the kids bathroom this morning, since I had already taken over our sink getting ready to go for an audition.
"Those are Daddy's, from shaving."
"Oh!" he said, relieved, "I was afraid we might have tarantulas."


Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

I like your blog. Your mother and I are frinds. We spent 12 years together in school. Grew up together in dear ole South Point.

I made a mistake while searching out your blog this time. I accidentially clicked on the flag and it said I had flagged it as objectinable. Hope you are able to get that removed because I have not seen anything objectinable. My apologies for any inconvenience. Will try to control arthritic fingers a bit better when I visit.

Keep up your good work. I enjoy reading other people's blogs. Your mother is very proud of you. You are quite a talented and busy gal. Best wishes for all of your days ahead.


Debbie R said...

Thanks Jan! No one has called me objectionable yet, so I think it is okay...:)