Wednesday, April 1, 2009

One thing I can breathe easy about now Fox "News" has started up were the articles and blogging are a strident and whiny slant to the far right wing of crazy.

My fascination with people I have absolutely no political commonality with is insatiable. It boarders on unhealthy, but I am not trolling the sites, no. I respectfully read and ponder what would have to happen to a person to believe some of the tripe I have read. Some of the conservative thinking is sound, and I agree with a lot of things, especially fiscally (pre-Bush II), though I don't think anyone has it right when it comes to fixing what 8 years of the Bush administration and rampant greed of financial institutions has wrought. I don't have any answers either, so I hope the Obama administration has it mostly right because I don't know what should happen.

It is easy to try to anthropomorphize the giant US Economy--it needs to stop spending and cutting down on its expenses, tighten its belt, stop spending borrowed money. Tear up its credit cards. Stop buying expensive shoes and make do with last year's wardrobe. Spend more time at home, live simpler.

But the US government is responsible for the livelihoods of an entire global village, and if it does not spend money close to what it was, people suffer and shops close down. And that effects all the villages around it. There are things that only it can provide, because it is the richest guy in town.

It is all very weird to me. I can't begin to think I know any answer.

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