Friday, January 14, 2011

Shall I be blunt...

As a youngster, I was often tactless in how I would convey my opinions. I had to learn through hard lessons and trial and error how to diplomatically convey my concerns with grace through many years of practice. I became really good at this as a sales manager, and use my skills to this day guiding my high school students.

I have been mostly successful in this, but lately, I have lost patience with some people and found myself reverting to blunt, frank expression for getting people's attention--or at least catharsis when at wit's end with otherwise smart people who are being too arrogant, too brainwashed or too idiotic. It has surprised me, because I have been out of this mode for a long time, and it only comes out with certainty on my part that disaster, minor or major is imminent. Pay attention if I am blunt with you. I don't do it easily or lightly, and I mean business, and I only do it if I AM RIGHT and you must be heading for disaster.

Here is the update to my previous post. I was probably too quickly blunt with that artistic director, but by damn, his script was a mess, frighteningly so, and it was not close to being ready for anything. I was frightened for them, really. These are not bad people. I WANT them to succeed. Sure enough, the reviews are terrible so far, and the blame for the show's failure are all being laid right on his doorstep as writer and director and no one else's. The critics could be reading my words to him EXACTLY from three months ago because they are now being brutally blunt, publicly. I was 100% right, and now his show is in jeopardy, as is his reputation, as is his theatre company (update--A grant came in. Bad show will only be a bummer. Whew.) He should have listened to me. Small comfort. This does not bring me happiness at all (except that the grant came in so they aren't ruined.)

I had another occasion this week where bluntness happened, because being compassionate an understanding didn't get anywhere and time is running out. I have a friend who is allowing themself to be pulled around by their nose by a cute looking psychopath who knows how to spin a mean mindfuck, and I can just see a really, really bad situation is just about to happen. It's like seeing someone is speeding in their car towards a brick wall, and all I can do is shout, "WATCH OUT YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!" And hope they steers away in time. I was completely blunt with the facts, which caught that person off guard, and I hope to God they got shaken out of their stupor in time to get away from a bad situation.

I don't feel that verbal "blunt force trauma" will or should become a habit. It really isn't pleasant for either party, though I am probably getting the better end of the deal. I feel like a crude Cassandra. For them, they got straight facts forcefully snapping them awake, and if they listen, good. If not, they have to deal with knowing I warned them, and now they have to pay a steep price.

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