Thursday, January 24, 2008

935 Times to say "Liar"

Someone stopped reporting on starlets long enough to actually count up the number of times the president and his administration lied to the American people about going to war in Iraq.
Look here.

This was big news this week. Not new news, but big news. Unfortunately, a major Hollywood star died under mysterious circumstances, so that is eating up a lot of the reporting space. Convenient, that. He was sexy, but having our noses rubbed in the fact that Bush and his cronies lied almost a thousand times is not. The lowest denominator thinks with its gonads. Unfortunately, most of them seem to be journalists. And now, we get back to the important news about Lindsay Lohan wearing huge socks with her thigh hi boots...

Back in the Nazi heyday, Goebbels came up with a tactic that has served the Bush Administration well: If you tell your lies often enough and loud enough, even people who know better will despair and concede the point.

It may seem to the American public that it is not worth getting re-upset at the Bush Administration's transgressions against the American people, the environment, the Constitution, and our standing in the world. Impeachments are expensive. and take a lot of time. By the time we get through it all, George W's time will be through anyway. Let history judge the bastard, and leave our names out of it.

However, history WILL judge all of us culpable---journalists, citizens and corporations alike. My feeling is that later generations will think of us as the most selfish, stupid, and shortsighted people in the human epoch. So much for the American way.

I think we be used as a warning, not as an example to others in future generations.

For right now, if you don't have the wherewithall to make a stand, realize that our current president and his cabinet are still lying to us every day, and their legacy becomes ours, even if we just wait it out. If we do not go for impeachment, perhaps we should start a movement towards criminal prosecution after the fact. It is a crime to allow this administration to be the precident for future presidencies.

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