Well, I am calmer now. Since as a citizen I have no say in what Congress does or doesn't do, but I am free to say what a want about it, and I feel better for ranting a little. I am in the 96% disapproval rating camp for congress. Their leaving before fixing anything with the FAA was precious and oh so fiscally responsible. Glad someone stepped in and got those people back to work.
I have no idea if getting a lower credit rating is a terrible thing. It may not matter as much, as it didn't for Japan, or it may be terrible.
Obama did what he could by the end. I think (I hope) he knows what's going on better than I do.
I hope republicans can wise up and stop being so dragged around by the nose by crazy people who have hijacked their party. Their presidential primary offerings are just hideous to anyone. Michelle Bachman? Really?!?! Newt Gingritch? HA! Herman Cain?? What is that??!! Mitt Romney looks the part for a TV movie, but I don't know what he's about, and it keep changing.
Anyway, no need to lose any more sleep.
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