Saturday, September 6, 2008

Weekend Thoughts

I think I have made up my mind about the Republican ticket. John McCain lost his ability to think independently and has chosen give in to the right wing party line. Basically, he has sold his soul for a chance at the presidency. John Stewart said it right. The Maverick for Reform in 2000 has become the Reformed Maverick 2008. Sarah Palin is anti-intellectual, unqualified and as phony as a 3 dollar bill. What say you that John McCain, if elected president, finds himself dying mysteriously in office and is replaced with this easy to control, out of her depth puppet? Then the end times can really begin...

Obama and Biden need to get their game on now.

I wonder if evangelicals realize that the more they drag religion into politics, the more people are turned off to God in droves. Souls are lost to Jesus every day because being a believer is associated with being a self righteous, narrow-minded non-thinker with a stick up your ass. Who wants a piece of that?

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