So what have I been doing? Well, one thing I am having fun with is "conversing" with crazy people at Actually, mostly I just look, sort of as if I am gazing at a hate-filled, dellusional ant farm. Among the posts are people wondering if Obama is hypnotizing them when they seem to agree with what he is saying(it's a sign of the anti-christ, you know), about a thousand posts saying he is not actually an American citizen, blogs yelling in caps he is a socialist/communist/Hitler (with no apparent clear concept of what socialist/communist or fascist means), and of course, Obama's unrelenting Ayers connected terrorism. I am peeking into this sordid little clique under an assumed name, and it amuses me how easy it is to make them angry. All you have to do is disagree slightly or ask questions. Oh, if you are not in lockstep for adoration of Palin, or if you are even taken aback with some of the vitrolic and hateful postings, you are an evil demon liberal.
Here is a sample blog to show you some of the inanity:
I got this in an email today. Who knows if it is true, but I loved it anyway and wanted to share it. It's priceless! :)
Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read "Vote Obama, I need the money." I laughed.
Once in the restaurant my server had on a "Obama 08" tie, again I laughed as he had given away his political preference--just imagine the coincidence.
When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need--the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight.
I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to thank the server inside as I've decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful.
At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn even though the actual recipient deserved money more.
I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.
I pointed out that it was unnecessarily mean spirited to deny a poor waiter his earnings just because he disagreed with you. To which she replied heatedly:
I think raising my taxes is "mean spirited" too. I also would miss the money. As I am a single mom helping my my sons pay for their college education. You see, they did not sit at home expecting the good people of this country to take care of them, they got an education so that they can live the American dream and they are both serving their country.
To which I replied:
So you'd take it out on a waiter??? There is so much in the way of mean spiritedness on this web site, I just joined and I am disheartened by it. Are there blogs on here with a more proactive and meaningful way of spreading the message? I have a hard enough time defending my stance without others making republicanism the party of the mean, angry and spiteful. This isn't all that we stand for, is it?
To which someone else replied:
If you think (she) was mean spirited, just what do you call yourself for labeling her? The liberals are famous for namecalling when someone has a different opinion, you need to examine your feellings. By the way, just what do you think spreading the wealth is going to mean?
To which I replied:
LOL are you labeling me a liberal because I don't believe in sticking it to some poor waiter to make a point about Obama's tax plan? I don't believe in hurting people to make a point. If that makes me a liberal, then I guess I do have to reexamine what conservative is.
Keep in mind, gentle readers, that Obama's tax plan does not raise taxes on people earning under $250,000 a year. I did not point this out, I didn't want to raise awareness to my actually thinking or reading much. It doesn't work well with this group.
Her reply;
The point of this blog was to demonstrate the concept of spreading the wealth, also known as redistribution. McCain/Palin supporters are not objecting to this simple exercise; BHO supporters are. McCain/Palin supporters aren't referring to each other as mean, angry and spiteful. BHO supporters are.
The message of this blog was blatantly clear, and one that all hard-working Americans should fear: in a BHO presidency, your money will be taken from you and given away those who earn less.
If you're hungry, BHO will give you a fish; if you're hungry, John McCain will give you a fishing rod and encourage you to reel in your own fish everyday.
To which I kindly replied (without questioning what the hell she is talking about):
But I still cringe at the idea of someone really putting this into practice. That would be mean spirited, and there is no way around that, it just would be. And it would reflect badly on us, and not change anyone's mind. How would you make a point about how his life would be better with McCain/Palin would be better. But what could we do, to illustrate how the McCain/Palin plan is good for working class Americans? The rich will be fine no matter what, and there aren't a whole lot of them to talk to anyway. What is our positive message? Negativity isn't working.
It has been hours and hours, and no one has responded. I suspect that no one actually knows, since the message from the McCain/Palin camp has been one of unrelenting negativity towards Obama, and just about zero about what they are planning on doing to make things work again. Their supporters don't know, they just repeat what has been repeated over and over again to them, whether it makes sense or not.
I know that posting this may "blow my cover," but that's okay. I just heard on the news that Palin is going ROGUE, crashing through the forests, trumpeting, stomping on advisors and elevating Obama to communist dictator single-handedly with her trunk.
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