Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hmmmm....I could use about $150 Billion in Sweeteners too...

Here they are, trying to ram this "necessary" $700 billion bailout through Congress--the most expensive bailout for stupidly managed companies ever, and the elected oaf-icials are adding "Sweeteners" to the tune of $150 Billion EXTRA dollars, and still no real way to get the money back that they are "borrowing" from the tax payers. Important things like "tax incentives" and money for the movie industry and for children's archery toy manufacturers...if McCain or Obama think they aren't going to hear about that as part of what is wrong with them and with Washington, I hope everyone will give them what for. Now 541 pages long, it is now big enough to obfuscate any embezzlement from the American people that they wish. Gosh, I wish I had a lobbyist who could give me all that sweetness...

Instead, make some calls to your representatives today and tell them to get those extra expenditures out of this travesty of a bill. I hope that the House of Representatives hears from enough constituents about the latest travesty that they fear for their political lives if they do not vote it off.

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