Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Final Debate--whew.

Well, aren't we glad it's over. So exciting! Wow! I needed a drink.

As I was pouring a glass of merlot, I thought about this final debate. McCain was on the attack, but still stuck mostly to his talking points and veered again towards sounding cranky and petulant. Obama stayed mostly cool and classy, but sounded like he was tired or suffering from low blood sugar.

I took a little sip. Ah...I started to calm down. Debates get me all excited...

I still like both of these men. I still think they give a great debate. McCain all fiery, grinding his teeth and huffing like bear into his microphone when he isn't speaking, Obama looking all geeky cool, trying to stay awake even when he is speaking--tonight anyway.

Memories of the debate swirl in my mind as I stare at the glass...

Kudos to Obama for not going there when asked about Palin and what he thought of her. She is her own one woman wrecking crew, she needs no help. Biden, according to McCain, has been wrong a lot. Good guy though.

McCain defended his decision to add Palin to the ticket. It sounded a bit forced, answering the question about what he thought would be good about her as a president if need be. He described her more like she would be good advocate for a large non-profit center for special needs kids, not as head of the world's most powerful government. It was lame, and maybe even he knew it.

McCain tried to look tearful about how his campaign has been portrayed as hate mongering lately, but hey, it's all on video and audio, repeatedly. Note to McCain-- John, no one buys that you are wrongly portrayed. It is just another backfiring strategy, cut it out and let's move on. Hopefully, no one will try to go after Obama, and you and Palin will not be criminally culpable for inciting people to violence. Really, dude, what were you thinking??!! Make sure you include Palin in on the memo for this change too, okay? She always seems out of the loop with these things...

Obama seemed worn out. I have never seen him have so much trouble getting his words out. He still got them out, though. I was a little concerned with a few questions that he would run out of time before he completed a sentence.

Who won the debate? Well, each side held their own. There were no real revelations. I am sure it will be spun this way and that. Probably it will lean more toward Obama, since all he had to do was hold his own. McCain had more to lose, but he gave this one a good fight and should feel good about it.

My glass of wine is gone astonishingly fast. My stomach is warm, my pulse is slowing. I decide against another glass. All things in moderation.

I am glad there were only four debates with presidential and vice presidential candidates. If there had been more, the public would be wretching with the rhetorical overload.

So there it is. Let's put a cork in it.

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