The fug that I got from the airplane nastiness has settled into my chest and voicebox, so today I have sat quietly and rested and occasionally tried to puzzle out knitting a hat with 4 double pointed needles. I took a child size portion of some codiene cough medicine that my son was given, and it seems to be doing a nice job of keeping me from cracking a rib coughing.
It is near midnight, and I am floaty and happy and a bit lonely.
I have a lot of love around me in my life. My older son is becoming more of a teenager every day, but we still enjoy each other's company, and he talks to me about stuff and I love it! Today we were talking about how to talk to girls. Middle school girls are foreign, foreign creatures. I won't reveal too much except to say that he is delightfully, innocently befuddled, and very sweet.
My younger son is a deep, quiet kid with great bursts of excitement. He is the sort of kid who looks at you with his big eyes while you are explaining something, and then ever so nicely will let you know that he figured out where you were going and went a few light years beyond while you finished your sentence. My favorite thing in the morning is waking him up. I talk to him softly, and kiss his face, and he slowly wakes up like a pleasant little baby chick. He is the nicest person to wake up in the morning!
My husband is an amazing person. I still don't know how I got someone so wise and yet so kind. He is also one of the smartest, hardest working people I know, and yet he still likes me. It boggles my mind. He about as blind to my faults as I am to his, which helps us both.
Well, I will float off to bed now on my happy cloud. I hope this cough will have gone away by tomorrow, or at least abated enough to get out and really talk to someone. I will be slightly embarrassed to have posted this, but seeing I don't get much traffic, it's just fine.
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